How to Clean Koolaburra Slippers?

As someone who loves to kick off their shoes and slide into something more comfortable as soon as I get home, I can’t live without my Koolaburra slippers. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sinking my feet into those soft, cozy sheepskin linings after a long day.

But after months of shuffling around the house in my favorite slippers, it’s no surprise they can start to look a little worse for wear. Dust bunnies, dirt, and general grime from daily wear and tear can make our slippers appear dingy and feel less plush. Don’t worry though – with the right cleaning methods, you can have your Koolaburras looking brand new again in no time!

In this article, I’ll walk you through the best practices for keeping your Koolaburra slippers clean and refreshed. We’ll cover spot cleaning for minor messes, deep cleaning for a thorough refresh, stain removal, deodorizing, and more. I’ll also share some of the personal tips and tricks I’ve picked up from years of caring for my Koolaburra collection.

Start With Preventative Care

Start With Preventative Care

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that’s certainly true when it comes to keeping slippers looking their best. Here are some habits you can build to proactively protect your Koolaburras from dirt, stains, and damage:

  • Use a shoe rack or mat. Placing your Koolaburras on a rack or mat when you take them off will prevent dirt and debris from getting ground into the footbed.
  • Wash feet first. Give your feet a quick wash before slipping them into your Koolaburras to keep dirt and oils from transferring onto the lining.
  • Spot clean after wear. Perform a quick spot clean after each wear to nip stains and buildup in the bud before they have a chance to set in.
  • Let breathe between wears. Allow your Koolaburras to fully air out for 24 hours between wears to prevent odor buildup.
  • Rotate pairs. Switch between multiple pairs of Koolaburras to increase the life of each pair and allow more time for drying out.

Building these simple habits into your routine makes cleaning Koolaburras much easier and extends the life of your slippers! If you’re curious about the differences, take a moment to discover what is Koolaburra by UGG vs UGG.

Spot Clean Messes ASAP

Day-to-day wear means your slippers will inevitably encounter some spills, scuffs, and sudden stains. Don’t fret! By acting quickly, you can spot clean most minor mishaps. Keep these tips in mind:

Blot Liquids Right Away

If you accidentally dribble coffee or step in a small spill, immediate action is key. Blot the spot gently with a clean, dry towel to soak up excess liquid. Avoid scrubbing or rubbing, which can grind the stain deeper into the fibers.

Shake Out Debris

If you’ve tracked in dirt, dust, grass clippings or other dry debris, shake out your slippers over a trash can outside. A gentle shake should remove most of the mess, just be sure not to be too vigorous.

Use a Suede Brush

For scuffs or light dirt, a suede brush is just the ticket. Gently brush problem areas to lift dirt from the fibers. Brush in different directions to get dirt from all angles.

Deal With Stains ASAP

The quicker you can treat a stain, the better chance you have of removal. Blot wet stains immediately with a clean cloth. For oil-based stains, sprinkle on a bit of cornstarch or baking soda to absorb excess grease, then brush away.

Freshen with Baking Soda

For odors, sprinkle baking soda liberally inside your slippers. Leave overnight, then shake out in the morning. The baking soda will absorb funky smells, leaving Koolaburras fresh!

By promptly spot cleaning little spills and messes, you can keep your slippers looking cleaner between deep cleans.

Deep Clean with a Gentle Wash

Every few months, your Koolaburras will need a deeper refresh to look and feel like new. Give them a gentle wash with this method:

Step 1: Vacuum

Use the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to pick up surface-level dirt and dust. Vacuum every inch of the lining, as well as the insoles.

Step 2: Spot treat stains

Inspect for any stubborn stains and spot treat them before washing. Dampen the stain with warm water and dish soap, gently massage, then blot dry. This will prep the stains for removal during the wash.

Step 3: Hand or machine wash

For general cleaning, hand washing or a delicate cycle in the washing machine both work well. Use cold water and a mild detergent without bleach or fabric softener.

Step 4: Air dry

After washing Koolaburras, it’s important to let them air dry completely before wearing again. Stuff with paper or towels to hold the shape as they dry. Never put Koolaburras in the dryer!

Step 5: Fluff

Once totally dry, use your hands or a suede brush to fluff the lining. This brings back that plush, soft texture.

With this thorough cleaning, you can get your Koolaburras looking and feeling fresh and cozy again! I like to deep clean my slippers every 2-3 months.

Banish Stubborn Stains

Sometimes our slippers fall victim to improbable spills and mystery stains that require a bit more attention. Here are my best tips for tackling tricky stains on Koolaburras:

Oil-Based Stains

For grease, pizza sauce or makeup stains, first blot away any excess. Sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda over the stain and let sit for 15-20 minutes to absorb the oil. Brush gently, then wash as normal.

Mud or Dirt

Let mud or dirt stains dry completely, then gently scrape off any chunks. Create a cleaning paste from dish soap and baking soda, scrub into stain with a toothbrush, then rinse.

Berry Stains

Mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 4 parts water. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and dab onto the stain. Rinse thoroughly. The peroxide will bubble away those pesky berry stains.

Snowmelt Salt Stains

Make a solution of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water. Spritz onto salt stains, let sit 5 minutes, then blot and rinse. The vinegar will dissolve that crusty salt residue.

Scuffs and Marks

Buff very lightly with fine grit sandpaper, always brushing in the direction of the wool fibers. This lifts scuffs without damaging the pile.

With a bit of the right stain-busting potion, you can outsmart almost any slippery stain!

Freshen Up with Deodorizing Treatments

After months of wear, even the cleanest slippers can start to retain that stinky feet smell. Luckily, it’s easy to banish odors and freshen up your Koolaburras with a few simple tricks:

Baking Soda

As mentioned, sprinkling baking soda inside your slippers can work wonders on smells. The soda absorbs odor, leaving a neutral fresh scent behind.

Freeze Them

Pop your smelly slippers in a plastic bag and freeze them overnight. Freezing kills odor-causing bacteria. In the morning, they’ll smell fresh!

Tea Bags

Stuff damp tea bags inside your slippers and let sit overnight. The tea leaves absorb odors. Green or black tea works best.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal packs are available at many stores. Place a pack in each slipper overnight to absorb funky smells. Charcoal is a odor-eliminating superstar!

Dryer Sheets

Simply toss a couple dryer sheets into your slippers between wears. As they tumble around, they’ll infuse a fresh linen scent.

Essential Oils

A few drops of essential oils like lemon, lavender, or tea tree oil can also give stinky slippers a aromatic boost.

With a regular odor treatment, you can keep your slippers smelling as lovely as they look. Say goodbye to stinky feet!

Extending the Life of Your Slippers

5 Key Tips for Extending the Life of Your Slippers

With the right care, a quality pair of Koolaburra slippers should last for years. Here are my top five tips for maximizing the lifespan of your cozy footwear:

  1. Follow the washing instructions – Never machine wash or dry Koolaburras, always opt for air drying. Improper cleaning can damage the wool.
  2. Store properly when not in use – Keep your slippers in a breathable area, away from direct heat or sunlight. This prevents fading.
  3. Spot clean after each wear – Don’t let stains or dirt build up. A quick blot or brush after wearing will keep slippers looking cleaner.
  4. Use shoe trees when not wearing – Placing shoe trees inside your slippers when not on your feet will help them hold their shape better.
  5. Repel moisture – Apply a waterproofer spray designed for sheepskin periodically. This prevents dampness from damaging the wool lining over time.

Following these five tips religiously has allowed me to get years of wear out of my Koolaburras! With proper care, your slippers will become your loyal house shoes for seasons to come.


How often should I clean my Koolaburra slippers?

For light cleaning, spot treat spills/stains after each wear and deep clean every 2-3 months. Clean more frequently if slippers are heavily soiled.

Can I put my Koolaburras in the washer and dryer?

Never machine wash or tumble dry Koolaburras – this can ruin the sheepskin. Always opt for handwashing and air drying.

What is the best way to disinfect my slippers?

To disinfect, make a solution of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water. Spray or sponge onto slippers, let sit 10 minutes, then allow to fully air dry.

How can I soften up my Koolaburras after washing?

Gently brush the lining with a suede brush once fully dry. This helps restore the plush softness of the wool.

My slippers are getting flattened – how can I fluff them up again?

Use shoe trees between wears to help maintain the shape. You can also gently massage and fluff the lining with your hands after cleaning.

Keep Lounging in Luxury

I hope these tips help you keep your Koolaburras looking and feeling fabulous for many cozy nights to come! Discovering what is the most expensive UGG is a fascinating pursuit for luxury enthusiasts, and with some simple preventative care and occasional cleaning, you can ensure that your cherished, high-end UGGs provide comfort and style for seasons and seasons of use.

Here’s to many more blissful hours of comfort – may your slippered feet stay warm, fuzzy, and wonderfully clean! Snuggle up and lounge on.

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