That traveling brings you great benefits is undeniable. Traveling favors our psychological and emotional well-being. But what about the children? What does the trip bring you? Today from IATI, experts in travel insurance for families, we want to share with you some of the many benefits and learning that traveling as a family brings to the little ones in the house.

Traveling with children is a unique experience for the whole family. They can be long or short trips, far or near. The benefits that traveling brings to children are innumerable.

The trip has a very positive impact on the emotional development of children and favors a space for training and constant experiential learning. In experiential learning, children learn directly from experience, and those learnings are what will remain forever in their memory.

Children Who Travel Increase Their Knowledge of Geography

They learn to locate new countries on the map. We recommend that from a certain age you invite them to participate in the choice of destination. They will surprise you and learn from their own motivation. They will begin to be aware of distances and begin to realize how big the world is.

They Learn Natural Sciences

The world is the best school. Out there there are rivers, mountains, waterfalls, and even volcanoes… Nature offers us infinite possibilities for learning. If you are studying volcanoes at school and you include a visit to one on your next trip, what an incredible opportunity to consolidate that knowledge, don’t you think?

They Develop Communication Skills And Learn New Languages

In order to communicate with children from other countries, they learn to communicate with gestures and even learn new words in a different language. If you want them to learn the importance of speaking English, take them on a trip to an English-speaking country. They will see and understand experientially the importance of those English classes they receive at school.

They Learn to Respect Different Cultures

Children are born without prejudice. Traveling makes them more respectful and opens their minds.

They Learn To Live With Less

Travel shows us that material possessions are not the most important thing. If children have a multitude of toys within their reach on a day-to-day basis, during the trip they get used to living with fewer material things and valuing their possessions much more.

The Trip Increases His Curiosity

Children are exposed to constant new stimuli when they are on the road. Their ability to observe is developed, they are surprised at every step and discover places they did not know. Even something as simple as the game unfolds differently thanks to new scenarios and previously unexplored locations.

Increases Your Ability to Adapt

Traveling takes you out of your comfort zone. Spending many hours on a plane is an issue that worries many parents when they consider traveling with their children. It may seem that it will be very complicated, but we assure you that children adapt to everything much more easily than adults. You need an extra dose of patience and they will adapt without further difficulties. To change the time, to sleep in different accommodations, to travel… The trip itself increases their ability to adapt and at the same time, they develop patience.

Bonds Between Parents And Children Are Strengthened

Imagine a time without external obligations, without schedules, without rushing… a time to disconnect and reconnect with your loved ones. Sounds good, right? Well, it’s the same for children. The trip is a time without school obligations where you can enjoy being with your family and spending all your time together. Those experiences and the time shared is what they will remember over the years.

They Discover Different Gastronomies

Travel allows them to discover new flavors, try new foods, and experience new ways of relating to food. You’ll be surprised how many new foods they’ll try.

They Develop A Greater Respect For Animals And Nature

This depends on you. At IATI Seguros we are always committed to tourism that is sustainable and respectful of the environment and animals. As you already know, plastic waste represents a huge problem worldwide. If you travel responsibly and avoid the consumption of single-use plastics, children will too. Another aspect to take into account is the activities in which animals are involved. It is very important that you inform yourself well before doing any activity in which you interact with animals. Not everything goes for a photo. There are many places where you can see animals in a respectful way. Projects like FAADA help promote responsible tourism with animals. You can check on their website where to see animals in freedom or semi-freedom in a totally responsible way.

And most importantly, the trip generates happy memories, strengthens our family ties and the experience remains forever in everyone’s memory. So we encourage you to launch yourself and make that family trip that you have been dreaming of for a long time. The trip is quality time shared with the family and from IATI Seguros we assure you that it will be a unique experience for everyone.

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