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Lately it seems that celebrities staying married is more newsworthy than celebrities getting married. Even stars that looked like they had real shot at staying together, ave split up. But while stars aren’t always “Just like us!” there are lessons we can learn from their failed relationships just like we learn from our experiences at online pokies Australia real money. Here are the top reasons most celebrity marriages fail and how we can prevent these mistakes from happening in our own relationships.


Infidelity is one of the top reasons why many marriages (celebrity or regular) fail. It’s almost difficult to stay faithful when you have an endless number of admirers dying to be with you. There is always an opportunity to cheat. Celebrities are under intense pressure, they are surrounded by fame and money and some of the most beautiful people – not many can resist that.

Time Apart

Celebrity couples often spend lots of time apart from each other; at project locations, events. They are engrossed in different projects that make them spend less time with each other. It’s quite hard staying in love with someone who is unavailable, physically and emotionally. Emotion can be feeble. It’s easy for them to slip out of feeling for their partner and develop affection for someone else – especially some new attention.

Ego / Jealousy

Celebrities are used to being the centre of attention. Some prioritize their importance or need above that of their partner. Jealousy can also creep in when one partner is more successful than the other (especially if they are on the same career path). One is getting all the love and endorsement, while the other is barely scratching the surface, courtesy of casino francais en ligne.

Burned Out Attraction

Like we regular folks, celebs are humans too. We are susceptible to strong emotions and dive headfirst, we go deep before we realize what we are doing. Many dive into marriage after a few good moments together thinking it’s till death do us part. They are so deep in love without checking to see if they are compatible. They think the initial rush is all it takes to stay in love – they burn out quickly.

If You Don’t Grow Together, You’ll Grow Apart

According to Shuter, one reason celebrity relationships break down is because the rules change. He says, “In marriage, most peoples’ lives generally stay the same. That doesn’t happen to celebrities. One movie or record can change their lives overnight.” He adds, “As wonderful as those opportunities sound, it can be very hard on a partner that didn’t sign up to be married to the sexiest man alive. Look at Bradley Cooper. He had a bit part on Sex and the City and then he was the star of ‘The Hangover’ and that’s a massive change.”

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